Basic Fit reviews

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Basic Fit

Niet goed hoor !!

Basic Fit

Fijne sportschool voor een goeie prijs!

Basic Fit

Basic fit heeft dezelfde prijzen voor ogenschijnlijk dezelfde abonnementen maar in werkelijkheid zijn ze dat niet. Sommige kunnen ze leden op 1 abonnement maar ik niet. Dus pas hier goed mee op. Uiteindelijk helpen ze je namelijk niet meer en verzinnen ze allerlei onwaarheden om er mee weg te komen

Basic Fit

Meer locaties, basic fit is top echter is het te ver en ben ik verhuisd helaas

Basic Fit

Slechte service bereikbaar heid

Basic Fit

Be careful with this company they just wanna take your money think twice before signing contract with them. We had subscription and 3 months later after singing the contract we moved from one city to another in the Netherlands and the nearest gym they have in that location is about 30km away from us. Previously they made us sign saying they have gym everywhere and it’s to access through.we had yearly subscription they just did nothing regarding that but kept taking our money for 9 months!!!!! No No No And very bad customer service

Basic Fit

Very poor customer service!!!!
I used to visit a Basic-fit gym in Heerlen until the gym shut down. So I found the nearest gym which was in Brunssum and continued my usual work out there until I had to pay 28.99 euros for my 4 weeks subscription. I paid with my debit card at the kiosk as I used to in Heerlen. Though after a couple of days I couldn't get in and the staff at the gym told me that I didn't pay. So I showed them my bank statement on my phone and they let me in..however the problem repeated every other day. So I had to communicate via their customer service and they confirmed they found the payment and said that I could keep visiting the gym. Ok, when the four weeks passed and I needed to pay again the kiosk machine asked me to pay double!!! So I contacted the customer service and they said that the payment was reversed? By who!? To whom!? I send them my bank statement with the payment on it and they could see al the payments that came in and out and yet they asked for a proof that I paid!!!! I even provided the ARN codes of the payment. I send them the most recent bank statement, nothing came to my bank account from Basic-fit!!! And they don't want to cancel my membership they even stopped communicating with me! Better think twice before you sign up in Basic-Fit!!!


Basic Fit

Betere apparatuur, al het apparatuur in Dwarsdijk is kapot of beschadigd….

Basic Fit

Goede sportschool maar duur

Basic Fit

Slechte klantenservice

Voor Basic Fit zijn in totaal 3385 reviews geschreven. De afgelopen 30 dagen zijn bij 9% van de opzeggingen voor Basic Fit reviews geschreven, dit zijn er in totaal 1. Voor de hele categorie Fitness zijn de afgelopen 30 dagen 6 reviews geschreven.

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